Hi everyone,
I hope you are well! I recently returned from Peru and it was a fantastic mission trip! I am so glad I went and it was a huge challenge and blessing to my faith. I wanted to share some of that here and why I have switched gears to the current book I'm reading.
While in Peru, God really showed me some great gifts. One was the gift I am given with each day. He created me and blessed me on that day to see that the people I was around are the people He wanted me to share that moment with. He created me to have this time on earth with other people all for His glorious purpose. I am meant for each moment and that is a huge blessing!
One other thing that I have been wrestling with my faith - or lack thereof. As I came back from Peru, I made a generalization about the people - many of whom this is true (but my mentor also helped me realize that it is not everyone that lives in a third - world country!) - that their faith is much richer and deeper than mine because they have to trust God. I know over and over I have heard it that we need to be dependent upon God, but for some reason it never sunk in until I got back to the U.S. I realized that I don't trust God the way I need to or the way He wants me to.
Wow, I suck.
And now, I'm going through a time of looking at what that dependence looks like in my life. How do I trust Him? How do I become the man I want to be for Him? How do I glorify Him with my life of trust?
God led me - and I say that on purpose - to this book. As I was putzing around Family Christian, I found one book that sounded very interesting. I was going to buy that book. As I was standing in the checkout line, I noticed this other book called "Big God" by a guy named Britt Merrick - never heard of him. There were a few good reviews on the book, so I thought I'd take a quick glance. Guess what the book is about? Deep faith in God based on trust! I set the other book down - which possibly may be the next book I talk about on here - and purchased "Big God."
That afternoon, I started reading it and was blown away. It is very well written. And want to know how it's helping me - it's making me ask more questions! It is challenging me to move from the spot I am stuck in and trust hard in the Savior.
What's even harder for me - the premise of the book is Hebrews 11 and each of the people in the chapter and their faith - is that everyone in Hebrews 11 was an Old Testament character! They believed and relied on a promise! A promise! I have the Savior here for me and they had a promise and had rich, intense faith in the Father. They trusted Him so much more than I feel I could and that upsets me! Uffda!
So, before I write all about this book, I'm going to tell you that I am half way through it and that I intend on finishing it once, and then reading it again. There is a study guide for free online that I plan on using as well.
I'm going to make this an even deeper learning experience for you all. I hope you join me on the road and learn lots! God is faithful and I know He will speak again - He already is! Let's grow together!
God's richest blessings to you all!