Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Great Omission

Hello everyone! It is a good morning - but it is super cold in my office! Uffda! So, I'm drinking lots of coffee today!

But besides that, it is a great day to be alive! There is an abundance of grace that God is shedding on me and He is speaking very clearly! It is beautiful.

Okay, so on to what I'm here to do - share about this book I'm reading. It is very good, to start off with. There have been lines that Willard has written that I'm very convicted by and want to challenge people I lead with. And I am challenged to.

The name of the book is called "The Great Omission" and in the first two chapters, I've learned about the urgency to be disciples. God has called us out from the old life we lived, but many people are not. They are attached to their old lives, even though they've "prayed the prayer." "Omission" refers to the lives that so many American Christians have decided to follow, and how many have bought into it. When Jesus left us, His last words was that we would be in the world teaching and making disciples. Somehow, we've left this out, and just decided to make converts. There is such a drastic difference, and we've forgotten that we are to not only be justified, but to be sanctified. This means we become like Christ - and that only happens through discipleship, through disciple and dedication. We cannot continue this way.

There are a few quotes that Willard makes in the opening chapters that I have been blown away by, so I'll share them with you now:

"What the 'church' - the disciples gathered - really needs is not more people, more money, better buildings or programs, more education, or more prestige." (pg. xiv)

"The disciple is one who, intent upon becoming Christ-like and so dwelling in his 'faith and practice,' systematically and progressively rearranges his affairs to that end." (pg. 7)

"...there is absolutely nothing in what Jesus himself or his early followers taught that suggests you can decide just to enjoy forgiveness at Jesus's expense and have nothing more to do with him." (pg. 13)

I realize right now I'm only giving you a taste from this book, but I'm learning as well! I hope you are encouraged as we look to this book a little more. God bless you today as you work or do whatever you do! Hope to share more with you soon!

Love you all.


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