Ever thought that? I know I definitely had that thought a couple of times this past week! To start - I was supposed to have cell reception in Catadupa so I could update everyone as the week progressed along. That didn't happen. As soon as we left Montego Bay, my phone quit.
"It wasn't supposed to go that way..."
But, as it turns out sometimes it is just what doesn't go our way that God uses for His good work in us.
As we prepared for our time in Catadupa, we focused a lot on the transformation that occurs as we seek Jesus. Our hearts are enlarged and changed and made more into the likeness of Him. As I reflect on our past week in Jamaica, I know I had the thought that transformation would happen, but it would be when I was in Jamaica. It's not to say that transformation didn't occur, but I was banking on the majority of it to be then and not any other time.
I think this might have been the case with some of the youth who went along as well.
Today, as I was thinking about what God has done in my heart, I was reminded of Jesus' words from Luke 17:5-6:
The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!"
He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you."
What the disciples wanted was their faith to grow - which isn't bad - but what Jesus shows them is they were missing what they already had! He was letting them know that the faith they had was already sufficient enough to do mighty things.
Isn't is surprising how we can miss this? We keep looking for what we already have. This past week, I was looking for transformation and the evidence of it. I did see it, but I also saw that it had a foundation already started that allowed for that evidence to be showcased. It took time for that transformation to make itself visible.

I am so excited for all the ways that our relationship with God will continue to shine forth His goodness as we seek Him. Transformation continually happens in our hearts in relationship, and what has happened this past week is only the beginning to the mighty things He has in store for our futures. To Him be all the glory!
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